Supporting Women through
Pregnancy and Birth
Welcome. My name is Caitlin and I am devoted to improving the pregnancy and birthing experience for women. I am a hypnobirthing mom and a hypnobirthing instructor. I also provide support for women navigating their birth choices in pregnancy as well as processing previous births.
I fell in love with calm birthing through my own HypnoBirthing course when I was pregnant with my oldest. It was a transformative experience for my life. This course helped me gain calm in every pregnancy and in my life. I use these strategies to find calm in parenting and help my children do the same. After the birth of my youngest, I was ready to pass this knowledge on to more moms. I had that same transformative experience as I went through the training. I truly believe in the power of self hypnosis and the ways it can help with a positive birth experience and positivity in life.
Throughout this site, you will see ways that I can serve growing families, as well as some of my own stories and experiences about birth.
Click Here for my Class starting 10/8/22 in Grovetown Georgia